We certainly have the large blessings that we often focus on such as our families, our health, having a wonderful home and job. Those large blessings are wonderful and I truly feel thankful for them. But we often overlook the small things that God is doing. These little blessings often times go unnoticed in our busy lives. Here are a few examples of “little” blessings that I’m talking about.
Daily Small Blessings:
- Going for a walk each day and opening your eyes to the beauty of God’s world. See the colors, hear the birds and enjoy the crisp morning air.
- Cooking a meal for your family. Yes, you are nourishing them and yourself physically, but you are also providing an opportunity to show them your love.
- Sitting by the fire reading a book or putting a puzzle together with your family and friends.
- Enjoying your morning coffee all alone while everyone else is still in bed.
- Finding a wonderful treasure when you go to yardsaling or antiquing. I love it when I find a vintage set of turkey salt and pepper shakers.
- A kindness that someone has done for you. Such as a neighbor or friend bringing you homemade soup when you’re sick.
When we begin to thank God for theses small moments, our gratitude begins to grow. Suddenly, we begin to see more and more of what God is doing in our lives. This gives us even more opportunities to be thankful. We are also less likely to gripe and complain. We’re less likely to view our lives in a negative framework. Keeping an attitude of gratitude can help to reduce your stress and keep you healthier. A little dose of rose colored glasses can help each of us to view our lives in a more positive light.
Being grateful for the little moments takes us on a pathway that blesses us each step of the way. Choose to thank God for all that He is doing. Focus on how special each day is, even when it feels like there is not a lot to be thankful for.
Remember that being thankful is not one day a year. Our grateful attitude should be practiced 365 days a year! This Thanksgiving, I am committing to looking for at least 3 blessings each and every day. I’m going to write these 3 things down so I have a record of all my blessings both big and small. This will give me something to reflect back on next Thanksgiving.
I want to challenge you to take time each day to find 3 things that you can be grateful for. Write them down and keep a record. Be more grateful each and every day for all of God’s blessings. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!