Garden Markers in a bucket with a plant and birdhouse.

I live in an agricultural area and that means that when you drive outside of town you will see crops growing.  Many of them are easy to identify such as corn and wheat.  But oftentimes I will see some plant that I am not sure what it is.  Especially if it’s in the early stage of growth.  And inquiring minds want to know!  Sometimes the farmers will post labels alongRead More →

A slice of cake with Rhubarb sauce and whipped cream. A bowl of strawberries are served with it.

You can always tell that it’s spring when the rhubarb is growing. If you harvest it in small batches, you can oftentimes keep it growing into the summer. This way you can make it last for quite awhile. My rhubarb go-to recipes include Rhubarb Pie, Rhubarb Cake and Rhubarb Jam. Today, I’m sharing Rhubarb Sauce made 3 Ways. These are my favorite recipes for Rhubarb Sauce. The first is theRead More →

Red flower planted in galvanized watering can.

Decorating your garden should be more than a chore. Terracotta and outdoor pottery work perfectly fine, but it’s fun to incorporate something unexpected. Using vintage containers in your garden can be just the thing. Over the years, I’ve used a variety of old containers to grow bulbs and flowers. Using vintage containers in your garden is a great way to add some character to your decor. The vintage containers IRead More →

Grape Hyacinth in bloom.

I’m a flower girl! What I mean is that I love, love, love flowers. I try to fill my yard and home with flowers. Especially flowers that I can cut to bring inside. And I’m a little old-fashioned. Some of my favorites are old-style flowers like peonies, lilacs, and daffodils. Each year I work to create a vibrant spring garden and you can too. April is the month that we’llRead More →

May Day is coming soon.  Do you celebrate this holiday each year?  This is a time to celebrate spring and to look forward to the warmer months of summer.  It’s also a great time to surprise your friends with a May Day gift. May Day festivities are a part of many cultures.  Parades, may poles, bonfires and dancing are ways people celebrate world wide.  In the US, May Day celebrations oftenRead More →

A bowl of seafood chowder and fresh rolls.

It’s time for a new soup of the month.  We are now into April so I wanted to share another soup with you!  I hope that you have been enjoying trying the new soups each month. This month I will be making a delicious Seafood Chowder. It is still early in the growing season.  That means that we are not yet getting a large variety of new fruits and vegetablesRead More →

White birthday cake with one candle and a pink flower.

When I started blogging last year, I knew nothing about how to blog.  It took me 4 weeks to send my first post because of fear.  But I overcame that fear and hit publish.  And I have continued to hit publish.  Today, I am celebrating 1 year at Pinecone Cottage Retreat! The past year was amazingly full.  Here is a list of some of the major things that occurred inRead More →

Terracotta painted pots with painted walnut eggs.

Today, I have another bird related craft to share with you.  Spring and Easter both bring nests to mind.  So I wanted to show you how to make my  terracotta pot bird nests.  I really am fond of terracotta pots.  But they aren’t the best containers for plants because the pots dry out so quickly.  However, they are great for crafts like these bird nests. For these nests, find someRead More →

Galvanized container filled with lettuce.

Ready, Set, Go!  The planting season is on us.  Well, the early planting season is beginning in my part of the world.  It is still way to early to plant things like tomatoes and peppers outside.  However, there are a number of early season crops to plant now. Some plants like the warming days with chilly nights.  We are still dropping into the lower 30’s with frost most nights.  SoRead More →

A slice of cake on a plate with the whole cake on a cake stand.

Woo Hoo, Spring is finally here!  It’s time to celebrate and in our home, that means Sunshine Cake.  This cake has as many variations as it has fans.  That’s okay.  There can never be enough Sunshine Cake in this world.  This is my go-to recipe for dessert during the spring and summer months.  I encourage you to celebrate spring with Sunshine Cake! While your cake is baking, I thought youRead More →