Pressed Flower Craft in a frame with extra flowers.

The winter months are a great time to work on a pressed flower craft. Last summer, I made a flower press and used it to press the end of the season’s flowers, ferns, and autumn leaves. I have used the ferns and leaves in my decor, but I haven’t had time to make anything with the flowers. So I thought I would create simple floral artwork to help decorate forRead More →

Basket of paperwhites and container of grape hyacinths to grow indoors for winter gardening.

Are you starting to feel trapped indoors? As the winter season wears on cabin fever can set in. Especially if you like to garden. Usually, toward the end of January, I’m looking for gardening activities that I can do inside. If you are feeling like you need some garden time, here are three indoor winter garden ideas that you can do. All without having to face the cold, snow, rainRead More →

Vintage thermoses on display for the winter.

Do you remember as a child going on a picnic with your family? Your mom packed the basket and you piled into the car and went someplace fun. Like the park in a neighboring town. After you ran and played for a while, out came the basket. And in that basket was a delicious meal. I don’t really remember what we ate. Probably peanut butter sandwiches. But the fun partRead More →

Cosmos growing beside a fence in the cutting garden.

Do you remember your Grandparent’s garden when you were growing up? There was something so special about the old-fashioned flowers they grew. You could wander through the garden and feel a sense of peace and calm. The bees were buzzing all around. Birds were enjoying the seed pods. And you were enjoying the little flowers exploding everywhere. Back when you were young, you probably didn’t think much about what wasRead More →

A winter wreath hanging on the wall.

I like to decorate my home with wreaths and I have quite a few of them. But very few of my wreaths are purchased. Many of the wreaths that I display during the year are homemade. I might purchase the base of the wreath such as a wireframe or grapevine wreath but then I add my own materials to the top. My winter wreath from a thrift store find usesRead More →

Setting goals is part of easy ways to be more productive.

When the New Year rolls around we are all thinking of our New Year’s Resolutions and what great things we’re going to accomplish. For about a week or two we might even stick with those New Years Resolutions. And then they slowly fade away and before long we end up with the old habits and patterns. I know because I have been there myself. But a few years ago IRead More →

Seasonal decorations with lighted branches and evergreens in a vintage wagon.

The presents are opened and the cookies eaten. Our homes are decorated and we’re exhausted. But even with all we’ve had to do this season, it’s been a joyful time. Through all the busyness and chaos, this is the time of year we focus on our family and friends. And what a blessing that is. From Thanksgiving to Christmas and finally New Years I hope that your holidays have beenRead More →

Time is getting scarce as we rush through the holiday season but I have one more fun craft to share with you. Last Christmas I bought a glittered jingle bell ornament and I’ve been waiting all year to create a similar ornament. But I took it a step further and created a glittered Jingle Bell Garland. This is a really simple craft idea. You only need a few supplies andRead More →

Three cookies from a white cake mix on a plate.

I’m at it again. Baking a variety of cookies for my family this Christmas. I love to bake and the holiday season is my excuse to make some of my family’s favorites. Each year I make a variety of cookies for the annual cookie tray. And I like to experiment with easy recipes. This year I am working on 3 cookies from a white cake mix. Last year I madeRead More →

A variety of decorated paint can gift containers.

Have you been baking a lot this holiday season? If you like to give your goodies away, then you will need a container for them. You can certainly share cookies on a plate or buy a plastic container. But I like to make my gift containers special. One of my favorite containers, over the years, has been to decorate paint cans. It’s easy, inexpensive and they’re reusable. Here are someRead More →