This is a newer basket from the ’80s rather than the ’50s that I usually collect but the basket was already damaged so I am not too concerned with water issues that might occur. That is an important consideration in choosing your basket. If it has sentimental value or if you are worried about water damage then I would not use it for this project. Choose a basket that you would not be upset about if it got damaged.

There are so many options of what to put in your basket. You can fill it with annuals, succulents or even use it for a mini herb garden. I used annual flowers for my basket including Angelonia, Petunias and Alyssum.
How to Make a Wicker Basket Garden Container…
- Wicker Basket
- Black Plastic (for lining)
- Pea Gravel
- Potting Mix
- 7-9 Plants
- U-Pins or T-Pins (optional)
Step 1:
Start by lining your basket with heavy mil black plastic. You can use ‘weed barrier’ sheet plastic or plastic trash bag liners. I used a couple of layers of black plastic garbage bags. Place the liner in your basket and smooth it out while pushing it to the edges and corners. Be sure to leave about a 2-inch overhang at the edge of your basket.
Step 2:
Place a small layer of pea gravel in the bottom of your lined basket. Make the layer about 1/2 -1 inch thick. This is to help prevent your roots from getting too much water since there are no drainage holes. Alternately, to make your planter lighter you could use a layer of packing peanuts.
Step 3:
Fill in the basket about halfway with your potting mix. It’s best to use a lightweight mix such as one that contains coir. If you can find a potting mix with water retention beads that would be a good option as well. Do not fill with garden dirt as this will make your basket very heavy and difficult to move.
Step 4:
Add in your plants. Use 1 or 2 tall decorative plants (the thriller) toward the back. Surround them with filler plants that will be bushier. At the edge of your basket, place plants that will spill over. Continue to add potting mix around your plants and firm into place.
Step 5:
Roll up the black plastic and tuck it at the edge of the basket so that it doesn’t show. Use can use U-pins or T-pins to hold in place. Just make sure that the plastic edge sits above the soil line so water won’t get behind it. You can add a decorative touch by layering in some colored glass beads or miniature shells to hide the plastic. Once your plants begin to grow, however, you won’t be able to see the plastic.
Step 6:
Decide where you want to set your picnic basket planter before you water it. Then give it a good drink of water with a little nitrogen-based fertilizer in it. Be sure not to over-water. Check the moisture level regularly. If the soil feels dry then you’ll want to water it.
This was such an easy container garden to make. And it adds a unique decorative touch to your garden and porch. So go out there and find an old basket and make yourself a wicker basket planter. Using vintage containers is a great way to add charm to your garden.
Love it!
Thanks Tania,
It was really easy to make once I found my basket.