For years I dreamed of having a little garden shed. A place for working on garden projects and for relaxing. I was even willing to use the old broken down shed we had…that ended up in the trash. I kept dreaming and longing for that shed. And so I saved bits and pieces to go into my someday shed. I saved vintage windows, garden gates and even charming bicycles in anticipation.
After years of planning and patiently waiting, we finally built my shed. And it’s everything I hoped for. I spend time in the shed working on projects and pressing flowers. I enjoy time reading, crafting and decorating. And it’s a great place to store garden gear, but it can be so much more. So, I have come up with some creative ways to use your garden shed this summer.
6 Creative Ways to Use your Garden Shed…
Use your Garden Shed for Entertaining
Your garden shed is the perfect place for entertaining your friends and family. Set your work table for dinner or lay out a buffet on the potting bench. Pull in an extra chair or two for the crowd and gather around to spend time together. Or include your garden shed in a progressive meal. Enjoy cocktails in the garden shed with appetizers. Have dinner on the back patio. And finally finish with dessert around the firepit.
Host A Sleepover in the Garden Shed for the Grand-kids
The garden shed is a great place for an overnight. It’s warmer than sleeping in a tent and if you have a couch or day-bed in there, it’s a lot more comfortable then the ground. Plan fun activities for the grand-kids such as setting up an outdoor movie to play against the side of the shed. Play games inside and supply plenty of treats. When it’s time for bed, lay out mats and sleeping bags for the kids.
Does your shed need a little TLC? Use this checklist to get it cleaned and ready to go…

"Clean Your Shed" Checklist
Sign up for Cottage Notes Email and get the started organizing your garden shed with this free checklist!
Use your Shed for a Hobby
If you have a hobby besides gardening, your shed is the perfect place to spend time working on it. Maybe you like to paint. Or maybe creating fun crafts is your specialty. And the shed is a nice quiet place for writing. Your garden shed is a wonderful place to get away and get creative. Set it up with all the supplies you need and you can head out there at a moments notice to work on your special hobby.

Make your Shed the Weekly Gathering Place
Your garden shed can be the perfect place to host your neighbors, your weekly book club or your bible study group. Gather around your table and share. You can set up comfortable chairs and make this a place for your weekly get-togethers. Set out refreshments and just spend time sharing with your favorite group of friends. Set up a Turquoise Table Friday or Craft Night gathering. Whatever you enjoy doing with your family, friends and neighbors can be enjoyed in your garden shed.
Set Up your Garden Shed for a Side Business
If you have been thinking about how to make some extra money, then use your shed as a backdrop for teaching your skill. You could use your shed to make videos. Or have customers come by for their lessons. You could set your garden shed up as a mini-office to spend time working on your projects. Stage your shed as a photography studio or teach piano lessons. Use your shed to help others learn how to arrange their flowers. Package honey from your bee-keeping business. There are so many things you can do to make money in your spare time and your shed can be set aside for that opportunity.
Take Time for a Personal Retreat
We all need time alone and your shed can give you the opportunity to get away and reflect. If your house is always noisy with TV, music and people then your shed can offer you time away. The garden shed offers the chance to slow down and be quiet. You can throw down your yoga mat and do a few calming stretches. You can breath deeply and just be quiet. Leave your cell phone in the house and totally disconnect from the outside world for a while. You’ll come away feeling rejuvenated and ready to take on the day.
While your garden shed is a workhorse for the garden, it has so many other potential benefits and uses. Think outside of the box when it comes to your shed and take the opportunity to use it to full advantage. Stage it for inviting evenings and morning coffee. Enjoy it alone or invite others over to enjoy it with you. This summer make the most of this wonderful blessing that you have in your backyard. And if you don’t have a shed yet, well start saving bits and pieces to use to build your garden getaway!