Don’t you love the idea of a retreat? Oh to leave the stress and concerns of life, even for a short while. Just to breathe again and find the little things that will bring a smile to your face. This blog was born out of my desire for a break, a retreat away from the stresses of life. Pinecone Cottage is my place to get away from it all. I walk, no run to my little hideaway when I need to just relax and refocus.
It took over 10 years for my dream of a ‘Garden Shed’ to come to pass. I collected many of the items in my garden shed for years. The windows are old farmhouse windows that we purchased at a farm yard sale about 8 years ago. The zinc topped kitchen cabinet was purchased at another yard sale about 10 years ago. The dutch door was purchased while we were building the shed from a Reuse Store. I also have a vintage chandelier that I am waiting to hang. The furniture was mostly found at thrift stores and yard sales.

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Pinecone Cottage is still in the decoration phase and there is much I want to do to enhance the setting. However, I have a potting bench to garden on, a table for craft projects and a day bed to read and nap on. I have many future plans for my garden retreat and am looking forward to spending much time there. Here are some of the things on my “To Do” list.
Projects for Pinecone Cottage:
- Hang Chandelier
- Cover the top of my potting bench with a more decorative surface
- Insulate and install wall boards
- Add window boxes and shutters
- Add a porch railing
If you are thinking that you also would like to build a little garden shed I would suggest these 3 things.
- Plan for your shed. Create a Pinterest board to save pictures of what you would like your shed to look like. I saved pictures from magazines long before Pinterest was around. Determine what size you want and any features such as windows. Think about placement of your potting bench and any furniture you want in there. Do you want electricity? Will you have access to water? How will you use your shed? Will it be truly a garden shed or will it be multipurpose like mine?
- Let your friends and family know that you are planning to build a shed. Share what things that you are looking for such as vintage windows. Keep a list handy so that whenever you are yardsaling or thrifting you can be reminded to look for items that you want for your shed. Visit anyone that you know who has a garden shed and ask for a “tour”. You never know when someone will have an old window or door that they are willing to part with.
- Create a “garden shed” account and save, save, save. Some people have the skills to build a shed themselves. Not everyone has those skills however, so start setting aside a small amount of money each month. Also keep an eye out for someone to build your shed. We found our wonderful shed builder on Craigslist when he was offering a sale price.
Although Pinecone Cottage has much that I still want to do, I am trying to spend as much time there just puttering and relaxing. In the future I plan to also use it as a way to connect with friends and family. I hope that through my journey you will also find your place of retreat. If a garden shed is not in your future then maybe a camper, an attic or a spare bedroom can give you a place to retreat to. The space need not be fancy, just yours. A place where you can take time to refresh your spirit, renew your energy and recharge your battery. I hope that you will join me to seek opportunities to find some peace in our busy lives.
I would love for you to join me as I work and play in Pinecone Cottage. Please join my email list so you don’t miss a single minute of fun and relaxation.