Although some gardens can be over-the-top with ponds, waterfalls and expensive structures, many have added simple touches that you can enjoy as well. It’s often the little touches that you incorporate into your garden that adds the “magical” touch.
Here are 10 garden decor ideas that you can use in your garden to create your own secret garden retreat. It doesn’t take a lot of money or even time to create little corners of whimsy and enjoyment.

10 Decor Ideas to Decorate Your Garden…
Vintage Doors
Old doors can add so much appeal to your garden. You can lean them against your shed wall and hang a garden sign on the front. They can be used as a garden gate into a hidden area. Use multiple doors to form a wall, to give your garden some privacy. Use one on your porch to add some vintage appeal. You can even use the vintage door for your garden shed.
So how do you find a vintage door? Keep an eye out when you’re yard saling or hitting the thrift stores. You can also check for doors on Craigslist. Ask friends who are remodeling. Offer to help clean out your parents and grandparents garages and sheds. Visit ‘Habitat for Humanity’ regularly to see if any old doors have been donated.
Another option is to take a new door and paint it with chalk paint to create a vintage look. If you can’t find any old doors, create your own. It won’t take long for the door to take on vintage appeal as it weathers the elements.
Chalkboards are the perfect way to share your garden thoughts. Hang them from the wall, a garden gate, or even on the fence. Set the chalkboard on your deck or porch. Place one in your garden shed to track your chores.
You can purchase a variety of chalkboards at the craft stores or even discount stores. Or create your own by painting a flat surface with chalkboard paint as I did with a metal tray.
When writing on your chalkboard, use simple lettering and minimal designs. You don’t need elaborate designs and words. That’s great for indoor chalkboards, but remember your outdoor signs have to face wind, rain and sun. So they fade quickly and will need to be redone. If you spend hours creating detailed designs only to find them covered in rain splatters, you’ll get frustrated. So keep it simple!
Seasonal Outdoor Pillows
Pillows not only add a decorative touch to your seating areas but they also add comfort to your metal chairs and wooden benches. Each year you will find a variety of pillows available to use outdoors. Try to find patterns that will coordinate with your furniture. You can find pillows at your local garden center, discount stores and even online.
Keep an eye out at the end of the season for sales and stock up for next year. You can often purchase end-of-the-season pillows for next to nothing. These leftovers are usually the less attractive varieties that didn’t sell well. That’s okay. Just purchase some outdoor fabric at the craft store and make your own simple covers.
Vintage Ice Chest
Vintage metal ice chests make the perfect side table or coffee table. Use them to store items in your garden shed such as tools and pillows. The great thing about vintage ice chests is that they are often more durable than today’s modern chests and so you oftentimes can also use them as an ice chest…so versatile!
You can find vintage ice chests at the same places you might find those doors. However, they are often a little more difficult to come by. Going to summer antique shows, flea markets and even antique stores might provide you with some options, however, they will be more expensive.
Garden Gate
Garden gates have so much personality. You can find wooden or metal gates to decorate with. Like the doors, you can lean them on the outside of your garden shed. Hang the gates on the wall and use to show off a handmade wreath. Use clothes pins to attach garden signs, a calendar and your to-do list.
A garden gate can be used as a backdrop for a display or vignette in your garden. Hang flower pots from the gate. And you can even use that gate, well, as a gate.
Watering Cans
Besides the obvious, watering your plants and flowers, watering cans have many more uses. They make the perfect container to hold your flower bouquets. They can be displayed in your shed, used to decorate your porch or set up in your hidden garden areas.
If the opening is fairly large, you can also use your watering cans as a container garden. Another option is to use your watering can as the base for a lamp. Purchase a lamp kit at your local craft store or online and use it to make a lamp for your porch.
Vintage watering cans offer a lot of panache to your garden, but if you are finding the older cans hard to come by, try making a new can look vintage. Follow these directions to create a “vintage” can from a new watering can.
Large Container of Cut Flowers
Having a bouquet of cut flowers on your porch or patio can brighten any corner of your garden. If you are growing a cutting garden, then this is an obvious source of flowers. Sunflowers growing in your vegetable garden make a great cut flower. If you don’t have a lot of flowers to cut from, then you have several options. You can often find vendors at your local farmer’s market selling flowers each week. Or purchase flowers from Costco or your local grocery store.
Another option that I find helpful, especially when the summer season is over, is to use faux flowers for my bouquets. Now-a-days you can find some great quality imitation flowers to use. Rotate these flowers for the season so that they will be a little more realistic. For example in the early spring use bulb flowers such as daffodils and tulips. In the late spring try faux peonies. During the summer, imitation sunflowers make a great porch display. In the fall, try mums and asters. During the winter months, you can use lots of greenery such as evergreen branches mixed with branches covered in red or white berries.
Flowers will make you smile. So whether they are real or faux, keep a bouquet on hand to add a bright touch to your garden.
Vintage Tablecloths
There’s something wonderful about the feel of vintage fabric. Old tablecloths are soft and worn from many washings. Tablecloths were such a daily use item back in the 40’s and 50’s. Many of the tablecloths you find today will show their wear…stains and tears are frequent. However, you can still use pieces to make covers for your outdoor side tables and picnic tables. If the cloths are very damaged, you can cut them up to make outdoor throw pillows for your porch. Use small pieces to make bunting and banners. Or just stack them in a basket to add some color and conversation to your garden shed and porch.
Old Windows
I celebrate every time I discover an old wooden-paned window. It’s great if they have glass, but even without the glass you can find lots of uses for these window. Hang them on the wall of your shed. Use multiple windows to make a small greenhouse. Hang larger windows from your porch to add some privacy. Use these windows to make a side table or coffee table. Keep on the lookout for these treasures because they are few and far between.
Side Table Vignettes
Finally, add some personal touches to your shed, porch and outdoor “rooms” with your favorite collections. Do you like chickens? Find a large metal or wooden chicken to display. Vintage garden tools make a perfect accent for your decor. A little red wagon can hold some pretty flower pots. Display an old crock, tea set on a tray or a stack of garden books.
This is where you let your personality shine. Scour your house and garage for things that might be useful to decorate with. Just realize that if these items are left outdoors they will be exposed to moisture and sunlight. I wouldn’t leave my first edition garden book hanging out on the porch but the enameled pitcher can handle the elements a bit.
Adding decorative touches to your garden will make it a unique place to enjoy and share with your family and friends. I would caution you however on the amount of these items to use. Although having some decor items is great, too much can make your yard look like a “junk yard”. So curate the things that you use to decorate with. You can always keep your stash handy and rotate items seasonally.
You might not want your garden to be part of the “Secret Garden” Tour, but it is possible to create an incredible yard that inspires you to spend time there. Add your favorite decorative touches and you will be amazed at how cozy and relaxing your garden can become.