Basket of paperwhites and container of grape hyacinths to grow indoors for winter gardening.

Are you starting to feel trapped indoors? As the winter season wears on cabin fever can set in. Especially if you like to garden. Usually, toward the end of January, I’m looking for gardening activities that I can do inside. If you are feeling like you need some garden time, here are three indoor winter garden ideas that you can do. All without having to face the cold, snow, rainRead More →

Cosmos growing beside a fence in the cutting garden.

Do you remember your Grandparent’s garden when you were growing up? There was something so special about the old-fashioned flowers they grew. You could wander through the garden and feel a sense of peace and calm. The bees were buzzing all around. Birds were enjoying the seed pods. And you were enjoying the little flowers exploding everywhere. Back when you were young, you probably didn’t think much about what wasRead More →

A autumn hued bouquet of flowers setting on a table.

We’re less than 2 weeks away from Thanksgiving. I’ve been planning and organizing for the holiday. And thinking about my table centerpiece. Doesn’t everyone spend days wondering how to decorate their Thanksgiving table? With no flowers left in the garden, it’s time to turn to my local grocery store. I want to show you how to set your holiday table with grocery store flowers. You can actually make some lovelyRead More →

A wheelbarrow full of autumn leaves.

We finally had a killing frost last night.  We’ve been squeaking out a few tomatoes, peppers and raspberries most days, but after last night we are officially done.  Once you have a very cold night, it’s difficult to salvage your plants. Even if you cover and try to protect them.  So now it’s time to wrap up the garden for the season. There are certain chores that need to beRead More →

Shasta Daisies growing in the garden.

My cutting garden has slowly faded away as the days and nights have grown colder.  Yesterday, my husband made me a sweet bouquet from the last of the zinnias.  The sunflowers stopped blooming weeks ago, although I have been saving the seed heads for winter food for the birds.  The cosmos and black-eyed susans have just a few scattered flowers.  The coneflowers, daisies and all the rest are completely gone. Read More →

Colandar of elderberries on a table.

I’ve talked about my love of gathering natural materials to use in my home decor.  Another thing that I like to do is forage for edibles.  I am not talking about eating plant stalks and roots.  I am talking about real foods like blackberries, apples and elderberries.  I use them to make delicious food such as Blackberry Syrup and Apple Crisp.  I gather the Elderberries each year to make aRead More →

Bucket of bulbs with gloves and spade.

Daffodils, tulips and crocus are the last things on my mind right now.  Instead, I’ve been thinking of pumpkins and apples.  Processing the garden herbs and harvesting the last of the produce.  If you garden, then you know that this is a busy season where you’re trying to wrap everything up for the year.  But if you want some beautiful blooming flowers next spring, then now is the time toRead More →

Flowers ready to press in the flower press.

If you have a cutting garden or you like to gather natural materials, then having a flower press can be a great way to extend the use of your flowers.  There are so many things that you can do with pressed flowers, ferns and leaves. Over the years I have pressed leaves and flowers many different ways.  In fact, I was about 7 years old when I pressed my firstRead More →

The fall season is a wonderful time for gathering natural materials for your autumn decor.  I look to nature to provide much of my autumn decorations and embellishments.  Not only do I enjoy the gathering process, but the colors and textures are perfect for the fall. I would like to share some of the natural materials that are ripe for the picking.  And give you some suggestions on how toRead More →

A fall pillow on a red metal chair on the Autumn Garden Porch

It’s feeling like Autumn… well, just a little. The mornings have a crispness to them. The sun hangs at a lower angle, which diffuses the light differently. And the garden is slowing down. Definitely not as many zucchinis growing in the autumn garden. So what’s a gardener to do when the season is slowly changing? Embrace it! Every season offers some enjoyment and beauty in the garden. As we moveRead More →