Enjoy time spent in your fall garden.

The weather has turned cool. An October chill is in the air. You might think that it’s time to put away the garden tools for the season. But fall is actually a perfect time to garden. When the first frost hits, many gardeners throw in the seasonal towel. But as long as you don’t have a hard killing frost, you can still get mileage from your garden. There are aRead More →

Aches and pains become more common as we grow older.

Have you noticed more aches and pains as you’re getting older? It’s a little harder to squat down without your knees hurting. Picking up that pot hurts your back just a little. Your fingers get too stiff to hold the rake sometimes. Ahhh aging! As we grow older, we don’t have as much energy to work in our gardens. And when we do, we seem to have more difficulty doingRead More →

Blackeyed susans growing along a picket fence.

Can you squeeze in 30 minutes a day? Think of all the time you spend on non-essential activities like scrolling through your Facebook feed, watching a mindless TV show (Family Feud anyone) or reading the latest magazine before you get to the checkout line. I hear so many people say they don’t have time to garden. You can’t squeeze in another minute for creating a beautiful garden…a garden that willRead More →

You’ve been weeding and deadheading flowers for what seems like hours. And now it’s time for a break. It’s 95 degrees in the shade. You could go inside to relax or you can pull up a chair and enjoy the heat of your garden. This is a perfect time to enjoy the bees, butterflies and swooping dragonflies circling your yard. The robin is cooling off in the birdbath. Your dogsRead More →

Sweet William in the kitchen garden.

Two years ago, a “freak” summer storm rumbled through our neighborhood. The winds were blowing hard, lightning was fast and furious and rain was pelting down. Then one of our incense cedars came crashing down. I was standing on our deck at the time and almost in slow motion I watched in horror as the tree toppled over. This massive 30 foot tree fell into our neighbor’s yard with anRead More →

Hillside covered in yellow lupines.

This time of year we’re working hard in our gardens and imagining the wonderful show to come. But there is one show that’s already in bloom and I encourage you to take some time to enjoy it. Wherever you live you can find some spring wildflowers in bloom. Try these 6 tips for enjoying spring  wildflowers. You might need to take a drive to get to an open area whereRead More →

Pinecone Cottage Retreat in the Spring.

With the change of seasons comes spring cleaning in our homes and gardens. You’ve been getting your yard and garden spruced up. But now it’s time to tackle the garden shed. Maybe your shed became a dumping ground during the winter months. In the late autumn, you stored all of the garden decor that needed protection during the winter. Then seasonal decorations and holiday gifts got stored in there andRead More →