Pull up a chair to create a cozy garden retreat to enjoy.

Pull up a chair and sit awhile in your garden. You have a wonderful outdoor space that attracts birds, bees, and butterflies. Now it’s time to enjoy your garden and create a cozy garden retreat. Spring is time to get your flowers and veggies planted, to clean up the winter mess, and to repair winter damage. Summer is all about weeding, maintaining, and harvesting. And autumn is the time toRead More →

Creative containers made from empty seed packets and tin cans.

I have seeds on my mind. I’ve been spending time pouring through seed catalogs and making purchases. And I’ve been sorting and organizing my seeds. As I’m cleaning up, I can’t part with the empty seed packets from last year. Over the years, I’ve accumulated a stash of empty seed packets. I like to use them to make fun and inexpensive craft projects. And what better way to spend aRead More →

Here’s an organizational task that’s worth the time and effort to complete for your garden. As we move towards spring, you’ll want to organize your seeds. In the spring, you’re so ready to get started planting. So you purchase your seeds and begin the year’s garden. But maybe you didn’t need a whole packet of zucchini seeds, and so you toss the extras into a pile. And you overbuy seedRead More →

Follow these 4 steps for your best garden this year, no matter the season.

It’s a New Year and hopefully a better year for all of us. Starting with a clean slate and fresh ideas can help us feel more in control of our homes and gardens. Get started with 4 simple steps for your best garden ever. One of my biggest struggles is how to keep my home and garden organized. Maybe this is an area you struggle with as well. For manyRead More →

This list of 10 easy diy gifts to make for family and friends will have you finished in no time.

As the holidays get closer, now is a good time to think about the gifts you want to give. I’m a big fan of homemade gifts. I especially love to give gifts from my garden. This year, if you’re going to make gifts for family and friends, then you need to decide what to make and start creating. I’ve been searching for good gift ideas, and I’ve found several IRead More →

When the garden season ends here are 5 ways to cope.

It happens every year… a killing frost followed by winter. You can count on losing the garden when the colder weather hits. And you can feel a sense of loss during the first weeks after the end of the gardening season. There’s still so much to do to wind up the growing season, and so we gardeners keep busy. Getting everything ready for winter takes some time and effort. There’sRead More →

Learn how to dry flowers from your garden.

If you’re growing a cutting garden, then consider preserving some of your flowers to use later for crafts and home decor. One easy way to preserve your floral bounty is by drying the flowers. Learn how to dry flowers with these simple ideas. Over the years, many people have replaced dried flowers with faux stems. Faux flowers are lovely and so lifelike these days. Because of this, many people thinkRead More →

You can create a bouquet to decorate you home and porch.

Flower bouquets for the rest of us. Simple steps that anyone can follow to create a pretty bouquet in no time. I enjoy growing flowers and creating bouquets for myself and to give away. When I first started creating bouquets, my fledgling efforts looked like “child’s play”. Basically, I just stuck flowers in the vase with no thought of how to place them. As I continued to grow flowers, IRead More →

A garden routine can help you to create a lovely garden to enjoy.

Do you follow daily routines in your home? Maybe you have a morning routine such as Hal Elrod’s Miracle Morning. Or maybe you follow an evening routine such as Crystal Paine’s Make Over Your Evening. Following a regular routine will set you up for a successful day. (Some links are affiliate links. If you click a link and purchase I can make a commission at no extra cost to you.Read More →