Herb garden sign with various pots of herbs

It’s time to get the herb garden growing.  I have plans for a creating a new Kitchen Garden this summer but it’s not going to be ready for this season.  So I’m planting herbs in my old bed one last time. Some of my herbs are perennials such as the sage, lemon balm and oregano.  Others need to be seeded directly or grown in containers and transplanted.  I use bothRead More →

Garden Shed in yard with area of dirt and missing tree.

This year we had to say goodbye to an old friend.  The huge tulip tree in our backyard died last year and we had to take it down.  We planted that tree the first year that we moved into our home 28 years ago.  It started as a twig and it grew into a beautiful but massive shade tree.  Our kids and family grew up under the shade of thatRead More →

Grape Hyacinth in bloom.

I’m a flower girl! What I mean is that I love, love, love flowers. I try to fill my yard and home with flowers. Especially flowers that I can cut to bring inside. And I’m a little old-fashioned. Some of my favorites are old-style flowers like peonies, lilacs, and daffodils. Each year I work to create a vibrant spring garden and you can too. April is the month that we’llRead More →

Galvanized container filled with lettuce.

Ready, Set, Go!  The planting season is on us.  Well, the early planting season is beginning in my part of the world.  It is still way to early to plant things like tomatoes and peppers outside.  However, there are a number of early season crops to plant now. Some plants like the warming days with chilly nights.  We are still dropping into the lower 30’s with frost most nights.  SoRead More →

A wheelbarrow on pathway in the garden.

Have you been planning your flower and vegetable garden for the season?  There are still weeks left before the actual growing season begins for many of us.  However, there are plenty of chores that can be done now to begin to get your garden ready for planting.  Gardening really involves so many activities during the year.  Here are some of the things that you might want to do to getRead More →

Lilacs and grass

Do you want to have an awesome garden this year?  If your answer is yes than now is the time to start mentally planning for the garden season.  Although it’s too early to be working the soil, it’s not too early to plan.  So if you are relatively new to gardening, how do you go about planning for the gardening season?  You can plan your garden in three easy steps. Read More →

Daffodils in Bloom in the House

I don’t know if I have mentioned this before but I’m a procrastinator with a capital P!!!! How about you?  Do you struggle with this disease too? If you can name it, I have put it off. So today I’m confessing that I still have not planted those paperwhite bulbs I told you about. I’m going to plant them now. I know that they’re ready and willing because they’ve startedRead More →

What’s a gardener to do when it’s __________________ outside?  You fill in the blank…cold, wet, snowy, icy, windy, dark.  Take your pick of any of these adjectives.  This time of the year it is just too miserable to be outside working in our gardens.  As I sit in my house lamenting the fact that I am not able to get outside, I have been thinking about the indoor gardening activitiesRead More →

The weather in the Northwest has suddenly turned cool.  Thoughts of sweaters, blankets and fires are suddenly filling my mind.  I truly love the autumn season and look forward to the crispness in the air and the brightly colored leaves.  As we anticipate this new season we have much to look forward to.  However, before you plop down in front of that fire there are some annual chores that needRead More →

Herb Bouquet

I love flowers.  I often think that I should have been a florist.  You don’t have to be a “professional” however to enjoy and display the flowers and natural elements growing in your yard and garden.  Not only do I grow flowers for bouquets, I also use my herbs in those displays as well.  Oftentimes, I make an all herb bouquet to enjoy. I want to show you how easyRead More →