Here’s an organizational task that’s worth the time and effort to complete for your garden. As we move towards spring, you’ll want to organize your seeds. In the spring, you’re so ready to get started planting. So you purchase your seeds and begin the year’s garden. But maybe you didn’t need a whole packet of zucchini seeds, and so you toss the extras into a pile. And you overbuy seedRead More →

Follow these 4 steps for your best garden this year, no matter the season.

It’s a New Year and hopefully a better year for all of us. Starting with a clean slate and fresh ideas can help us feel more in control of our homes and gardens. Get started with 4 simple steps for your best garden ever. One of my biggest struggles is how to keep my home and garden organized. Maybe this is an area you struggle with as well. For manyRead More →

A garden routine can help you to create a lovely garden to enjoy.

Do you follow daily routines in your home? Maybe you have a morning routine such as Hal Elrod’s Miracle Morning. Or maybe you follow an evening routine such as Crystal Paine’s Make Over Your Evening. Following a regular routine will set you up for a successful day. (Some links are affiliate links. If you click a link and purchase I can make a commission at no extra cost to you.Read More →

Learn to control dandelions and other weeds growing in the garden.

You’ve spent days and weeks getting your flowers, herbs and vegetables planted for the season. Now you sit back and wait for those lovely plants to grow. And then you notice something else growing in your garden. Not just one or two but dozens and dozens of them. Weeds are sprouting everywhere. Give them a little water and they grow, well like weeds. Fast and out of control. Weeds areRead More →

I walked out into the garden and was shocked to see branches of my beautiful apricot tree all over the ground. My husband was hard at work cutting more. That was in my early years of gardening when I didn’t fully understand the value of giving your trees and shrubs little haircuts. Late in the winter season is when you’ll want to prune your shrubs and trees. This is vitalRead More →

Winter is the perfect time to complete these 10 gardening activities.

The cold, gray days of winter are upon us. We often have the tendency to stay cocooned in our cozy warm houses when the weather turns cold. But there are simple activities that you should do in your garden this winter to help prepare for spring. Some of these activities will need to be done outdoors but a few of them can be enjoyed in front of your fire. BeginRead More →

Echinacea thriving in the garden.

Each year, as the garden season winds down, it’s a good idea to assess how your garden grew. Hopefully, everything you planted was amazing but things don’t always turn out the way you hoped. Sometimes flowers do not grow and thrive. And sometimes you’ll struggle with diseases and pests. And of course, you might over-plant and regret the excessive amount of growth. The best gardeners will learn from each mistakeRead More →

Aches and pains become more common as we grow older.

Have you noticed more aches and pains as you’re getting older? It’s a little harder to squat down without your knees hurting. Picking up that pot hurts your back just a little. Your fingers get too stiff to hold the rake sometimes. Ahhh aging! As we grow older, we don’t have as much energy to work in our gardens. And when we do, we seem to have more difficulty doingRead More →

Blackeyed susans growing along a picket fence.

Can you squeeze in 30 minutes a day? Think of all the time you spend on non-essential activities like scrolling through your Facebook feed, watching a mindless TV show (Family Feud anyone) or reading the latest magazine before you get to the checkout line. I hear so many people say they don’t have time to garden. You can’t squeeze in another minute for creating a beautiful garden…a garden that willRead More →

A mix of flowers in a spring garden container.

If you haven’t planted your garden containers yet, it’s time to get planting. Now that the weather has warmed up a bit, most gardeners are in full spring mode. Hopefully, your yard and garden are starting to take shape. You’ve cleaned up the winter debris and you’ve been preparing your flower and vegetable beds. But the quickest way to some spring color in the garden is planting flowers in pots.Read More →