The fall season is a wonderful time for gathering natural materials for your autumn decor.  I look to nature to provide much of my autumn decorations and embellishments.  Not only do I enjoy the gathering process, but the colors and textures are perfect for the fall. I would like to share some of the natural materials that are ripe for the picking.  And give you some suggestions on how toRead More →

Did you grow a cutting garden this year? Or do you have perennials that you love and would like to spread? Are you enjoying the flavorful herbs that you’re growing? If so, then you need to think about saving some of your seeds for next year. Saving seeds is easy to do and it will save you money when you go to plant your garden next spring. And if youRead More →

When summer hits, and flowers are blooming, I like to make bouquets to give away. And that means I’ll need vases to put those flowers in. Throughout the year, I save glass food jars to use for my flowers. But just giving a bouquet in a pickle jar is not very attractive. So over the years, I’ve found ways to make these simple containers special. Here are some of myRead More →

Vase of cosmos sitting on hutch

If you’ve been growing flowers in your garden, now is the time to start making flower bouquets.  I grow a cutting garden every year specifically to have flowers for myself and to give away.   I want to share some simple tips for arranging flowers.  If you don’t grow them yourself, you can pick up bouquets at your local farmer’s market and the grocery store. Simple Tips for Arranging Flowers…Read More →

When I shared my tips for using vintage baskets, I suggested that you make a plant container out of them. I found a basket at a yard sale recently that I thought would make a great planter. So I wanted to walk you through the planting process for a wicker basket planter. This is a newer basket from the ’80s rather than the ’50s that I usually collect but theRead More →

Daisies growing in the garden

Raise your hand if you like flowers. There’s something so special about growing flowers in your yard and garden. But if you can bring them inside, that’s even better. They offer not only something beautiful to look at, but they give off a lovely fragrance as well. A number of years ago, I began planting a cutting garden so I had flowers to bring inside without using my shrubs andRead More →

Grape Hyacinth in bloom.

I’m a flower girl! What I mean is that I love, love, love flowers. I try to fill my yard and home with flowers. Especially flowers that I can cut to bring inside. And I’m a little old-fashioned. Some of my favorites are old-style flowers like peonies, lilacs, and daffodils. Each year I work to create a vibrant spring garden and you can too. April is the month that we’llRead More →

A wheelbarrow on pathway in the garden.

Have you been planning your flower and vegetable garden for the season?  There are still weeks left before the actual growing season begins for many of us.  However, there are plenty of chores that can be done now to begin to get your garden ready for planting.  Gardening really involves so many activities during the year.  Here are some of the things that you might want to do to getRead More →

Lilacs and grass

Do you want to have an awesome garden this year?  If your answer is yes than now is the time to start mentally planning for the garden season.  Although it’s too early to be working the soil, it’s not too early to plan.  So if you are relatively new to gardening, how do you go about planning for the gardening season?  You can plan your garden in three easy steps. Read More →

Daffodils in Bloom in the House

I don’t know if I have mentioned this before but I’m a procrastinator with a capital P!!!! How about you?  Do you struggle with this disease too? If you can name it, I have put it off. So today I’m confessing that I still have not planted those paperwhite bulbs I told you about. I’m going to plant them now. I know that they’re ready and willing because they’ve startedRead More →