Tulips make a great winter time flower display.

As I look out my window, the day is dull and gray. The holidays are behind us. So are all the festive decorations we enjoyed early in the season. Now, each winter day is the same. Cold and frosty with a hint of fog. Occasionally, we’ll have a sunny day interspersed with the gray. That helps to break up the monotony, but it doesn’t last long. Maybe you’re in aRead More →

Decorate your porch with an easy winter container.

The beautiful fall colors are behind us and the winter months are looming. When you look around your garden, do you just see shades of brown? During this season, our gardens often look dead and lackluster. While you can’t bring on the flowers, you can spruce up your porch for the holidays and winter months ahead. One of my favorite ways to add winter interest to my front porch isRead More →

Use preserved flowers to create cozy decorations for fall.

Growing flowers in your garden creates a beautiful setting for you to enjoy. But most blooms are short-lived. One way to extend the enjoyment of your flowers is to preserve them. This summer, I planted more flowers specifically for drying. That way I could use the dried flowers to provide long-lasting blooms. Now that the garden is slowing down, it’s time to use some of the preserved flowers. This weekRead More →

Acorn and nut wreath on display.

I’ve had a few craft ideas that I’ve been mulling over for a while. I wasn’t wanting to make a complicated craft, but something simple and easy that I could use to decorate my home and garden. But I couldn’t decide which one to make, so I created all three. Now that the garden has slowed down, I have a little extra time. There are still plenty of fall choresRead More →

Include seed packets with these gift-giving ideas for seeds.

Each garden season, I like to save flower, herb, and vegetable seeds from my garden. I do this for two main reasons. First, I enjoy harvesting the seeds I’ve grown. It’s so rewarding to grow your own plants from seeds and save them again for next year. Second, when you save seeds, you know what you’re going to get when you grow that plant. You know the size of theRead More →

Harvest herbs from your garden to make this fresh herbal wreath.

Are you growing fresh herbs in your garden? Then consider creating a lovely fresh herbal wreath to hang in your kitchen. It will not only add some beauty to your decor, but every time you walk by, the wonderful fragrance will amaze you. Over time, the herbal wreath will dry out. Keep it as a decorative wreath or snip the dried herbs to use in your cooking when needed. YouRead More →

Creative containers made from empty seed packets and tin cans.

I have seeds on my mind. I’ve been spending time pouring through seed catalogs and making purchases. And I’ve been sorting and organizing my seeds. As I’m cleaning up, I can’t part with the empty seed packets from last year. Over the years, I’ve accumulated a stash of empty seed packets. I like to use them to make fun and inexpensive craft projects. And what better way to spend aRead More →

This list of 10 easy diy gifts to make for family and friends will have you finished in no time.

As the holidays get closer, now is a good time to think about the gifts you want to give. I’m a big fan of homemade gifts. I especially love to give gifts from my garden. This year, if you’re going to make gifts for family and friends, then you need to decide what to make and start creating. I’ve been searching for good gift ideas, and I’ve found several IRead More →

Winter is the perfect time to complete these 10 gardening activities.

The cold, gray days of winter are upon us. We often have the tendency to stay cocooned in our cozy warm houses when the weather turns cold. But there are simple activities that you should do in your garden this winter to help prepare for spring. Some of these activities will need to be done outdoors but a few of them can be enjoyed in front of your fire. BeginRead More →

Give a gift from your garden. The ultimate gift for under the tree.

It’s getting to be that time of year again. You know where you have to scour the Internet, rack your brain, and walk the isles of Target trying to get inspiration for gifts. Each year seems to get harder to find those “perfect” gifts. Try something a little different this year. Gifts you can give from your garden can be a great place to start. When you come up withRead More →