Although the calendar says it’s fall and the garden is winding down, I’ve been reluctant to accept that the gardening season will soon end. I’ve been fighting the change of season this year more than ever. My first step in acknowledging the new season is to decorate my shed porch. Since this is where I often start and end my day, this is a good place to begin the seasonal transformation.
Typically, when I decorate, I gather inspiration with a quick run to the craft store. And I usually come home with a bag or two. This year, however, I’m staying away from shopping for new items unless I absolutely need them. Instead, I’m looking around to find some low-cost items I can use to decorate for the season. Come see how I decorate my porch with budget friendly ideas.

What’s Budget Friendly, anyway…
By budget friendly, I mean items that you already have or things that are very inexpensive. Since the cost of everything continues to rise, most of us have less money to purchase everything new.
To find some of these items, look through your garden shed, garage, and cupboards to see what you already have available. Walk around your yard and neighborhood to see if you can find some natural elements to use. Check out the produce section at your local grocery store for less expensive options such as whole nuts, fruit, and potted flowers.
If there’s something specific you want, consider going to yard sales or take a trip to your local thrift store.
Another option to consider is swapping items with friends and family. You might be tired of your fall decorations and ready for a change. And your best friend might be ready for a change as well. Swap away.

Budget Friendly Items to Use in Your Fall Decor…
Here are a few ideas you can use to decorate your porch this fall. While you won’t want to use all these items, this list will give you some examples to choose from. Use this list as a starting point for decorating your porch and other areas of your garden as well.
Keep in mind that these budget friendly porch ideas don’t have to be specific for fall. You’ll find most of the containers I use are general items that can be used any time of year.

Baskets make the perfect container for your autumn decor. You can use them to hold many items for display. Fill them with potted plants, leaves, branches, pinecones, and pumpkins. You can also line them with heavy plastic and plant some seasonal flowers in them.

Wooden Boxes and Crates
I love wooden boxes, the older the better because then I don’t have to worry about damaging them. Fruit boxes, wine crates, and produce boxes are the most common. Last fall, I purchased a baker’s dozen of wine boxes at an estate sale and I keep finding new ways to use these treasures.

Whether you have crocks, garden pots, or kitchen bowls, these items make a wonderful way to display items on your porch. Pickling crocks can hold a bouquet of fresh or dried flowers. Use your favorite flower pots to hold your garden tools or a fall plant. Kitchen bowls can hold a simple collection such as apples, pinecones or even your knitting stash.
Pinecones and Branches
Pinecones have been dropping for a while. Now is the perfect time to go scouting for them. Pile your cones in a container. Use them to make a wreath or a garland. Or just scatter them around your porch.
Branches are also lovely to use on your porch. I love the look of unadorned branches but if you can find some branches with autumn colored leaves, that’s even better. I’m enjoying the simplicity of these branches and berries.

Dried Plant Material
Take an afternoon and go foraging for some dried plants. Empty fields, parks, forests, and old parking lots can provide material. Look for dried flowers, grasses, and even weeds that add attractive material for decorating. Just be sure that you’re harvesting from public places that allow you to glean or that you have permission.
Here are some examples of dried materials you can find…
- Dried Seed Heads such as Coneflowers
- Grasses
- Rosehips
- Corn Stalks
- Asparagus Ferns
- Virginia Creeper
- Amaranth Stalks
- Wheat Stalks
- Sycamore Balls

Autumn Fruits and Nuts
Do you have an apple or pear tree? As you harvest, use some of your fruit to decorate your outdoor spaces. And if you have nut trees such as walnuts, you can decorate with theses as well. Acorns are another budget friendly item that’s easy to find this time of year.

Sunflower Heads
We grow a lot of sunflowers in our garden. I typically allow the plants to stand through the fall so the birds can enjoy the seeds. This fall, our garden has been filled with nuthatches enjoying the feast.
Periodically I’ll harvest some of the larger heads to use for decorating my spaces. Use these sunflower heads to create a wreath for your porch. Fill up a decorative bowl with them or just place them on a side table.

Seasonal Flowers
In the early autumn, if you still have flowers blooming, a vase of flowers would be lovely. Dahlias, zinnias, and cosmos will all continue to bloom until they’re hit with a frost. So make the most of your flowers while you still can.
While I’m trying not to spend a lot of money on decorations, adding in a potted plant such as a mum or aster certainly won’t break the bank. If you don’t have any summer flowers left, consider a few pots of these long-lasting blooms. And it’s possible to reuse these potted plants from year to year if you protect them from frosty weather.

Feathers can add touches of fall in your decor. It’s easy to gather and store feathers for your decorations. I grab them whenever I can and store them upright in a small bucket. Whenever you’re out on a walk, keep an eye out for these treasures. If you have any friends or family members who hunt, ask them for any tail feathers from their bird hunting.
To use your feathers, tuck them into your buckets, add them to wreaths, or you can even create feather balls to display.

Pumpkins and Gourds
No autumn porch would be complete without a few pumpkins or gourds. Each year, we grow a few specialty pumpkins to decorate with. This year we ended up with several blue pumpkins and tons of white mini pumpkins. Pumpkins are so easy to grow if you have a little extra garden space.

A Few Extra Budget Friendly Items For Your Cozy Porch…
If you want to cozy up your outdoor spaces, consider adding a few of these fun items to your seating area:
- Blankets
- Lanterns, candles or twinkle lights
- A decorative garland
- An autumn inspired sign
- Pillows for your chairs
- A thermos of your favorite beverage
- An outdoor rug
- A wreath for your door

I’ve accepted the fact that Autumn is here and I’m embracing the change… kind of. I’ve finished the porch and I’m moving on to spread touches of fall to the rest of the garden. You don’t have to spend a lot of money decorating for the new season.
Make the most of what you already have and keep your decorating efforts simple and inexpensive. I hope these budget friendly porch ideas will inspire you to move from summer into fall. I know it’s hard, but it gets easier when you’re surrounded by autumn beauty.
Love your decorations for fall, especially as they are a thrifty bit. I have a “jelly cabinet” exactly like the one beside the basket of apples. At least that is what I was told it was for.
Have a great weekend!
Hi Toni, thanks for sharing about the jelly cabinet. I had no idea what it was. We purchased it at a yard sale a few years ago and I “discovered” it in my shed this summer. 🙂