Beautify your garden with the free ways to create more flowers.

    Growing perennials is one of the easiest ways to keep the flowers coming all season long. Once planted, they continue to provide blooms year-after-year. It’s so rewarding to plant once and get an annual supply of beautiful blooms. While the reward for growing perennials is regular blooms without having to replant, there’s still work associated with those plants. One of those important jobs is getting your perennials ready for theRead More →

    Start with your soil for good garden growth.

    As a new gardener, I didn’t really understand why my garden beds needed some early spring attention. I thought all I needed to do was to dig a hole and stick the plant in the ground. But then I couldn’t figure out why my tomatoes, zinnias, and basil didn’t do very well. Today, as a seasoned gardener, I now understand why my plants failed. The soil needed some care toRead More →

    Fresh spring flower bouquet from your garden.

    What’s the first thing you notice when you walk into a room? For me, it’s flowers. If there’s a bouquet or a flowering plant in there, that’s where my eyes are drawn. There’s something so magical about flowers. No matter what the season, you can never have enough! And if you can gather the bouquets from your garden even better. But how can you keep flowers coming all year long?Read More →

    Tulips make a great winter time flower display.

    As I look out my window, the day is dull and gray. The holidays are behind us. So are all the festive decorations we enjoyed early in the season. Now, each winter day is the same. Cold and frosty with a hint of fog. Occasionally, we’ll have a sunny day interspersed with the gray. That helps to break up the monotony, but it doesn’t last long. Maybe you’re in aRead More →

    Birds eating seeds in winter.

    I used to think that once the garden was created, all it took was maintenance to keep it looking good. And then I became a gardener. 🤣 Once you’re actually gardening, you realize that the garden is never finished. There are always new plants to add and old plants to remove. You want to create new garden beds and refresh the old. Trees grow too large for the area andRead More →

    Decorate your porch with an easy winter container.

    The beautiful fall colors are behind us and the winter months are looming. When you look around your garden, do you just see shades of brown? During this season, our gardens often look dead and lackluster. While you can’t bring on the flowers, you can spruce up your porch for the holidays and winter months ahead. One of my favorite ways to add winter interest to my front porch isRead More →

    Enjoy your fall garden while you clean up and prepare for spring.

    Once the first hard frost of the season hits, it’s time to wrap up your garden for the year. There’re many things that need to be dealt with, such as putting tools and hoses away, winterizing your irrigation pipes, removing dead plants, and raking leaves. The last thing you think about in the fall is preparing your garden for next year. But there are things you can do now toRead More →

    Use preserved flowers to create cozy decorations for fall.

    Growing flowers in your garden creates a beautiful setting for you to enjoy. But most blooms are short-lived. One way to extend the enjoyment of your flowers is to preserve them. This summer, I planted more flowers specifically for drying. That way I could use the dried flowers to provide long-lasting blooms. Now that the garden is slowing down, it’s time to use some of the preserved flowers. This weekRead More →

    Vintage dishware displayed in a tiered basket.

    Each season it can be tempting to go out and buy new decor items for your home and family. For years, my husband and I have found pleasure in hitting yard sales and shopping at thrift stores. And I certainly enjoy shopping at Hobby Lobby and Home Goods for seasonal items. This autumn, however, I’m challenging myself to not buy any new decor items for the season. Instead of shoppingRead More →

    By late summer try these 3 habits to get your garden under control.

    The calendar says that it’s still summer. Dahlias are blooming and tomatoes are ripe for the picking. But the garden is out of control. Weeds have taken over many of the garden beds. Keeping up with the produce has become an agonizing task. And the motivation to deadhead plants has gone by the wayside. I chalk this situation up to our new puppy, Gunny. Every time I work on theRead More →